Privacy and Security Policy 私隱及保安政策

GS1 Macau is pleased to provide information to all of its customers about its online privacy policy. Please be assured that GS1 Macau uses its best efforts to protect the privacy of visitors to this website.


Your Data Privacy Rights 您的數據隱私權

By using our service, making an application or visiting our Site, you acknowledge the collection and use of your personal data by us as outlined in this Statement. If you do not agree with the use of your personal data as set out in this Statement, or the Terms of Use, please do not use this Site.

Under the Personal Data Protection Act of Macau SAR, you have the right:

  • to check whether we hold personal data about you and to access such data
  • to require us to correct inaccurate data
  • to ascertain our policies and practices in relation to personal data and the kind of personal data held by us

If you are in an EU Member State, subject to certain limitations and/or restrictions, you have the right under the data protection laws in the EU:

  • to request access to and rectification or erasure of your personal data
  • to obtain restriction of processing or to object to processing of your personal data
  • to the right to data portability

Individuals in the EU also have the right to lodge a complaint about the processing of their personal data with their local data protection authority.

If you wish to exercise one of the above mentioned rights, cease marketing communications, and/or raise questions or complaints please contact us.

透過使用我們的服務,提出申請或瀏覽我們的網站,代表閣下承認我們可按照本聲明中的規定收集和使用閣下的個人數據。如果閣下不同意本聲明或使用條款中規定的 個人數據的使用,請不要使用本網站。


  • 向我們查詢及查閱是否持有您的個人數據
  • 要求我們更正不準確的個數據
  • 向我們查詢有關個人資料的政策及措施,以及我們會收集的個人資料的類型

如果閣下處於歐洲聯盟成員國 (歐盟) 的國家,基於相關限制,閣下有權享有歐盟的資料保護規範:

  • 可要求訪問和更正或刪除您的個人數據
  • 提出限制處理或反對處理閣下的個人數據
  • 可移除數據的權利



Data Security 資料安全

Security is our top priority. GS1 Macau will strive at all times to ensure that your personal data will be protected against unauthorised or accidental access, processing or erasure. We maintain this commitment to data security by implementing appropriate physical, electronic and managerial measures to safeguard and secure your personal data.

The secure area of our website supports the use of 256-bit Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (SHA-2) encryption technology - an industry standard for encryption over the Internet to protect data.

本會一向以安全為重。澳門物品編碼協會一貫致力確保閣下的個人資料受安全保護,不會未經授權或意外地被他人取得、處理或清除。為致力保障資料安全,本會在設 施、電子系統及管理方面實施適當措施,以保障閣下的個人資料安全。

本會網站的保安區採用256位元安全雜湊演算法2 (SHA-2),此為業界在互聯網上為資料作加密保護的安全標準。

Security Assurance 安全保證

Both of you and GS1 Macau play an important role in protecting against online fraud. You should be careful that your details including your User ID and/or Password are not compromised by ensuring that you do not knowingly or accidentally share, provide or facilitate unauthorised use of it. Do not share your User ID and/or password or allow access or use of it by others. We endeavor to put in place high standards of security to protect your interests. If, in the unlikely event, unauthorised transactions have been conducted through your account through no fraud, fault or negligence on your part, we will see that you are covered for your direct loss up to the full amount of the unauthorised transaction.

在防止網上詐騙行為方面,閣下與澳門物品編碼協會同樣負起重要責任。閣下應確保本身的資料不會外洩,例如閣下的用戶名稱和/或密碼,尤須確保不會有意或無意 地與未經授權人士共用、交予其使用或允許其使用此等資料。切勿讓他人知道閣下的用戶名稱和/或密碼,亦不要讓他人取得或使用此等資料。本會會盡力維持高度安 全標準,以保障閣下的利益。儘管機會極微,但如閣下的戶口一旦出現未經授權的交易,只要並非閣下的詐騙、出錯或疏忽所致,本會會保障閣下免受直接損失,而最 高保障額為該等未經授權交易的全數款項。

Types of Information We Collect and How It Is Used 我們所收集的資訊種類以及如何應用此類資訊

GS1 Macau only gathers personal information when voluntarily submitted by you ont your names, titles, company addresses email addresses, industry and product types or when you fill in the applications or other forms or marketing promotional leaflets. Personal information may also be collected from you in order to get your feedback on our services or any enquiries via our web channel.

澳門物品編碼協會只會收集個人資料由您自願提供的情況下,如提供姓名、公司地址、電郵地址、行業及產品類別;又或當填寫申請表及其他表格或市場推廣單張。本 會亦可能經網上向您收集個人資料,以得悉閣下對我們服務的意見及查詢。

Use of Cookies Cookies的使用

Our website uses cookies and other tools to help analysis the website traffic and usage. Cookies are small text files containing small amounts of information which are downloaded and may be stored on any of your internet enabled devices e.g. your computer, smartphone or tablet - like a memory for a web page. By continuing to use the Service (or any part thereof), you are agreeing to us placing cookies on your computer.

Please note that some cookies on the Website and other parts of the Service are managed by third parties, including, for example, maps and social media API. These cookies are likely to be analytical/performance cookies or targeting cookies. You should refer to the third parties’ own cookie and privacy policies for information about how they may use your information.

The third party cookies we use in our Services, include but are not limited to:

  • Google – our Website and Services have embedded Google services/tools, such as ‘Google Maps’ and ‘Google Analytics’ for better user experience and analytics purposes.
  • Facebook – our Website and Services have embedded Facebook API for social media sharing and advertising purpose.
  • LinkedIn – our Website and Services have embedded LinkedIn API for social media sharing and advertising purpose.

當閣下瀏覽或使用此網站及服務時,澳門物品編碼協會會作記錄,以分析網站的訪客人數和一般使用情況。其中部分資料會透過小型文字檔案(Cookies)收集。Cookies 是一種包含少量資訊的小型文字檔案。這些檔案類似網站的記憶體,將會下載並或者會儲存在您任何可上網的裝置內,例如您的電腦、智慧型手機或平板電腦。當您繼 續使用本服務(或其任何部分),即表示您同意我們在您的電腦上放置cookies。



  • Google – 本網站及本服務嵌入「Google Maps」、「Google Analytics」等Google的服務/工具,以提供更好的用戶體驗,並作分析用途。
  • Facebook – 本網站及本服務嵌入Facebook應用程式介面,作社群媒體分享及廣告用途。
  • LinkedIn – 本網站及本服務嵌入LinkedIn應用程式介面,作社群媒體分享及廣告用途。

Managing Cookies Settings 管理Cookies設定

You can block cookies by activating the setting within your browser that allows you to refuse the setting of all or some cookies. Please be aware if you use your browser settings to block all cookies (including essential cookies) you may not be able to access all or parts of our Services. If you wish to withdraw your agreement at any time, you will need to delete your cookies using your browser settings for each browser you use.

您可以通過修改所使用之瀏覽器的設定,以停用所有或部分cookies。請注意,如果您透過修改瀏覽器設定,停用所有cookies(包括基本cookies),您或無法使用 我們所提供的全部或部分服務。任何時候,如您欲撤回您的同意,您需就每個您所使用的瀏覽器,透過修改您的瀏覽器設定,以刪除您的cookies。

Links to Other Sites 連接其他網站

GS1 Macau may offer links to sites that are not operated by GS1 Macau. If you visit one of these linked sites, you should review their privacy and other policies. We are not responsible for the policies and practices of other companies and any information you submit to those companies is subject to their privacy policies.

澳門物品編碼協會可以提供連接其他非本會經營的網站通道,倘若您造訪這些網站,應閱讀他們的個人私隱和其他政策。本會對其他公司的政策或事務不負上任何責任, 您所提交的資料將以該公司的私隱政策為依據。

Disclosure of Information 資料的披露

We may share your information with, or transfer it to, our subsidiaries, affiliated companies, and any company in which GS1 Macau has an interest. If you do not want to have your information disclosed to any third party, please contact us.

本會與會員公司、其各自的旗下公司、附屬公司、聯號公司及彼等擁有權益的任何公司共用閣下的個人身份辨識資料,或向其轉移有關資料。倘閣下不希望公司向任何 第三者披露閣下的資料,請致函本會。

Marketing Promotions 資料的披露

Occasionally we may collect personal information from visitors to this site. Such information is only collected from individuals who voluntarily provide us with their personal information. We may use this information to advise them of products, services and other marketing materials, which we think, may be of interest to them. We may also invite visitors to this site to participate in market research and surveys and other similar activities.

If you do not wish to further receive any promotion materials by email or direct mailing, you will always have an opportunity to select to opt-out by clicking the unsubscribe link provided in our emails.

本會偶爾會收集本網站訪客的個人資料。本會收集此等個人資料,乃由受訪者自願提供,本會可能運用此等資料向受訪者發送本行認為切合其需要的產品、服務及其他 市場推廣資料。本協會亦會邀請本網站的訪客參與市場調查、意見調查及其他類似活動。


Contact Us 聯絡本會

Requests for access to data or correction of data or for information regarding policies and practices and kinds of data held should be addressed to:

GS1 Macau

Rua de Xangai 175,

Ed. ACM, 6 andar, Macau

Tel: (853)28782385

Fax: (853)28780748









Please note that the contents of this policy may be amended from time to time prior notice. You are advised to check them on a regular basis, and by accessing and using our website, you acknowledge that you agree to be bound by the amended policy.
